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Category:  Audio & Multimedia::Music Composers Sort by:    Title     Date     Size     Company     Category  

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ChordEase makes it easier to play music with complicated chords. No matter what the chords are, you can play as if they were all in the key of C. You don't need to play sharps or flats, because ChordEase automatically adds them for you. ChordEase alters your notes in real time in order to make them harmonically correct, while preserving their rhythm and dynamics. By delegating music theory to ChordEase, you can focus on feel and aesthetics.

PianoCheetah will help you practice piano a little better. It'll rip out repeats, and loop up 4 bar segments for you to nail to the wall. It uses a custom piano roll notation that works as good as sheet music. (Steve thinks so, at least).

notation composer
Easily create or arrange your own music. Produce accurate, customized sheet music, and create music that sounds great. Listen to the song while you follow the notes on your screen. Then edit the notation and the sound of the music. Find music on the internet, and arrange it to suit your tastes and skills. Have serious fun making music with notation composer.

Create awesome chord progressions and melodies MelodyBuilder allows you to quickly try out chord progressions, experiment with new song ideas, create arpeggios and melodies, even if you don't know much about music theory. Everything you create in MelodyBuilder can be exported to midi files and imported in your songs in your favourite sequencer software.

You often download score files in PDF format from the Internet, and you'd wish to hear them? You'd want to hear the Tenor part from the score your choir master owns on his computer? PDFtoMusic is designed for you. Open a PDF document, and after a few seconds, you just have to click a button to hear the score playing, and even the lyrics be sung! PDFtoMusic gives you full access at last to the huge PDF music score collection of the WWW.

Rack Performer
Rack Performer is a modular host dedicated to stage performance, with a special emphasis on interface ergonomy and user interaction. Plug your guitar, your keyboard, your microphone, or even all at once, add any number of effects or instruments and connect them the way you like. You are ready to perform!

The idea of ToneKey is to eliminate the learning curve usually associated with playing keys with correct music theory. With ToneKey anyone can play and improvise with scales. Additional features have also been included for learning scales and understanding their harmonic content. In addition to this more advanced functions are also included to enhance digital composing techniques with your favourite DAW or sequencer.

Music Editing Master
Music Editing Master is an ideal and efficient audio editing and audio production tool for home users. It provides powerful and user-friendly editing environment which suits beginners especially. If you want to edit music visually and nondestructively, record music visually, apply cool effects and filters, convert audio formats within all the popular formats, merge audio with video and burn songs to CD or DVD, it satisfies all you needs.

Space Toad Midi
The Space Toad MIDI Sequencer is an Audio/MIDI sequencer with VST support available in a free beta test version

PitchPerfect Free Guitar Tuner for Mac
PitchPerfect for Mac OS X is an accurate and professional guitar tuner ideal for guitar players and other musicians, greatly improving the quality of your instrument's sound. PitchPerfect is a free guitar tuner that eliminates the need of tuning a guitar conventionally and will automatically detect the not you are playing.

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