The Business Valuation Model Excel combines relative indicators for future performance with basic financial data to value any business. This valuation method can be used for business purchase, sale, or establishment. The model uniquely applies your intuitive business and market knowledge to provide a 3 year forecast with sensitivity analysis, investment return, and a business valuation. Easy to use and interpret. |
Profit Contribution Breakdown allows you to identify the level of surplus/profit generated by components of your business. This component performance is combined with indicators for future potential and business ability to identify areas that will maximize current and future performance. Summary recommendations are provided for each breakdown and results presented in graphical and tabular form. |
TinyBooks is a simple, flexible, non-bloated, single-entry bookkeeping and accounting system for the Macintosh. It's designed for Sole Proprietors, Home, and Small Businesses. TinyBooks is the simplest way to handle the books for most small companies. You enter your expenses and income, TinyBooks does the rest. Current and year-to-date on-the-fly totals, fully automatic bar-charting, invoices, reporting, support for taxes, etc. |
The Forecast and Budget Builder is a streamlined tool to develop a 3 year business forecast and 12 month budget quickly and easily. It requires minimal inputs to generate Optimistic to Pessimistic forecasts for your business and a verifiable 12 month budget. This forecast and budget tool can be utilized for existing and proposed businesses. Outputs include 3 Year Forecast, Sensitivity Analysis, and Budget by Month in tabular and graphical form. |
My Fuel Tax makes preparing your quarterly fuel taxes a breeze. It will work for individual owner operators, third party tax preparers and small fleets. You can print your IFTA fuel tax. If you have Microsoft Excel, it can also generate the NY HUT, OR HUT, NMWDT, and KYWDT Report. We have all the contiguous US jurisdictions and also AB, ON, QC and BC). |