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Matches:  124 First     Previous       Page 5 of 13       Next     Last

Flower Garden Solitaire
At the start of the game 6 piles of 6 cards each are dealt to the table and laid out in fans, these are the tableau files and are called the "flower bed", the 6 tableau piles are also collectively called the "flower garden". The remaining 16 cards form 16 reserve cards and are called the "bouquet". The aim of the game is to put all cards to 4 foundation piles, each built up by suit from A to K. Each time you can move the topmost card of a tableau

Martha Solitaire
At the start of the game 4 aces are dealt to form the 4 foundation piles. Then the rest of the cards are dealt into 12 tableau piles of 4 cards each. The first and third cards in each tableau pile are covered, while the rest are uncovered. The aim of the game is to put all the cards to the foundation piles, which are built up from A to K with cards of the same suit. The tableau piles are built down by alternate colours. Each time you can move one

King Albert Solitaire
At the start of the game 9 tableau piles of cards are dealt face up, the first pile has 1 card, the second pile has 2 cards, and so on until the last pile has 9 cards. The remaining 7 cards form the reserve cards. The purpose of the game is to move all cards to the foundation piles, the foundation piles are built up in suit from A to K. Each time you can move the topmost card from one of the tableau piles or a card from the reserve and move it to

Easy Go Solitaire
This game may have easy in its name but it is not easy if you don't play strategically. At the start of the game 4 aces are dealt as the start of the 4 foundation piles. Then 12 cards are dealt as the start of 12 tableau piles. The aim of the game is to put all the cards to the 4 foundation piles. The foundation piles are built up in suit. You can also put cards on tableau piles and the tableau piles are built down in suit. Each time you flip a c

Monte Carlo Solitaire
At the start of the game 25 cards will be dealt into 5 x 5 grid. Each time you need to pick up a pair of cards to remove them. A card can be paired with another card of the same number which is adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. When you have done removing pairs, click the stock pile and the cards will move to fill in the gaps. The rule of moving of the cards is basically that the card on the right of a gap will move to fill in the

Maze Solitaire
At the start of the game all 52 cards are laid out in a 9 x 6 grid, 8 cards are dealt to the first 2 rows and the remaining cards are dealt to the remaining 4 rows. Then the K's are removed, leaving the grid with 6 empty spaces, and the game starts. The aim of the game is to arrange the cards into four consecutive strings of cards of the same suit from A to Q. Each time you can move one card to an empty space if the card before the space is of th

Grandfather's Clock Solitaire
At the start of the game 12 cards are placed in a circle to form the foundation piles: clubs 9, hearts 10, spades J, diamonds Q, clubs K, hearts 2, spades 3, diamonds 4, clubs 5, hearts 6, spades 7, and diamonds 8. The remaining cards are then dealt to for 8 tableau piles of 5 cards each. The aim of the game is to put all the cards to the foundation piles, which are built up in suit and wrapping from K to A if necessary. The tableau piles can als

Florentine Solitaire
At the start of the game 5 cards will be dealt as a cross on the table (as 5 tableau piles), and then another card is dealt as the start of the first foundation pile, then the other 3 foundation piles should also start with cards of the same number. The aim of the game is to put all the cards in the foundation piles. The foundation piles should be built up in suit (wrapping from K to A if necessary). Each time you flip one card from the stock pil

Eagle Wings Solitaire
This game largely depends on your luck when the cards are dealt, but there is also a little requiremnt for skills. At the start of the game 13 cards will be dealt face down to form the tail of the eagle, and then 4 cards will be dealt face up to the each of the left and right side of the tail cards to form the wings, finally a card is dealt face up above the tail cards to form the head and the start of the first foundation pile. The first card in

Crossword Solitaire
In this game you need to use 49 cards to create a 7 by 7 grid of cards. The number cards are like spaces in a crossword puzzle and the face cards (J, Q, K) are like black squares. The cards are first shuffled and form the stock cards. The first stock card is dealt to the center of the table and the game starts. Each time you put the top card from the stock cards to a place that is adjacent (horiztonally or vertically or diagonally) to one of the

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