This application allows you to explore all the settings and the configurations of your operating system. |
If you are trying to use any remote tools like sysinternals against Windows Vista, 7 or 8.1 machines then you need to have remote UAC elevation privileges to enable you to carry out changes on the machine you are trying to amend. However, you may find that you are still having problems with connecting to remote machines so if you are, this fix you can install on the remote machine to enable Local Account Token Filter Policy will correct this. |
Software updater Pro will look for out-of-date applications on your System & allow you to update installed software without any hassle. With Full Version, you can select any program to update automatically. Ensure stability and experience significant performance gains by Keeping applications up-to-date. Software Updater Pro allows you to get updates for installed applications for FREE. You can upgrade to have updates installed automatically. |
Driver update for any device! DriverMax is the best choice for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista or XP (32-bit and 64-bit versions). It finds and downloads the latest driver versions needed by your PC. DriverMax scans your PC's hardware devices, finds the best driver version for each of your PC's devices and if you choose so, can download and update the drivers. It can even find drivers for unknown devices that Windows doesn't recognize. |
Product Key Finder helps you to safeguard licenses and activation keys for software products installed on your local computers or remote network computers. Because you paid for your software products and licenses, let Product Key Finder find and export them. Product Key Finder supports scanning of local computers as well as remote network computers and even allows you to find license information on crashed systems or hard disks. |
To uninstall stubborn applications and malwares on macOS isn't as easy as you thought since many app residual junk would be left behind. Now with Omni Remover, you simply need to tap a finger click, and it'll find caches, cookies, leftover and 11 types of app junk. With one more click, you can clean them up so as to reclaim a large amount of free storage. |
FireDaemon Zero is an application for Microsoft Windows that allows you to easily switch back and forth between your logged in Windows desktop session and Session 0, controlling applications running as a interactive service service on that session. The product also enables interactive services, gives the user the ability to steal Session 0 control from another and kick users off Session 0. |
Smarty Uninstaller is a software that allows you to completely uninstall programs (64 and 32-bit) installed on your system. It monitors the built-in application uninstaller and uses an advanced scan engine that deletes any program leftovers. It allows you to launch the scan engine manually at any time to force uninstall a program with broken uninstaller. |
Throughput acceleration software for virtual servers boost windows application performance at least 30% (usually double!). Guaranteed to solve your toughest application performance challenges on I/O intensive systems (like SQL)! V-locity eliminates the two big I/O inefficiencies in a virtual environment that are killing performance and chewing up precious storage IOPS. Just download and install no reboot required! |
Is your computer slow because it has dozens of errors? RegistryWizard will find, clean and repair registry problems and optimize your Windows computer for peak performance. It will also optimize hidden Windows settings and make your PC as fast as when it was brand new. |