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Category:  Education::Mathematics Sort by:    Title     Date     Size     Company     Category  

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Sababa Kindergarten Mathematics
Help your little one ace the basic kid's education subjects with the help of this fun and interactive kids math game app. Whether you are a parent who values the importance of learning math for kids or someone who is looking for a happy learning app to support your kid's early education, this app is the best pick to learn mathematics. Featuring a collection of preschool and kindergarten learning activities and math games for kids, this app offers

Select and Calculate
Type math operations anywhere, select and get result with a hotkey press. Save time and money. Supports basic mathematical operations. Supports boolean operations. Supports advanced mathematical operations. Can run at Windows Startup hidden. Default Hotkey Control + C, Control +D. Quickly calculate mathematical operations with a hotkey press. Easy to use.

Select and Evaluate
Type VBscript anywhere, select and get result with a hotkey press. Save time and money. Supports basic mathematical operations. Supports boolean operations. Supports advanced mathematical operations. Supports string functions. Supports date and time functions. Can run at Windows Startup hidden. Default Hotkey Control + C, Control +E.

The Simple LP Solver can solve large size linear programming problems in an efficient way. The size of the problem theoratically depends on the memory allocated to the program by the computer; practically total array size could be max. 128M. The program provides Simplex and Revised Simplex solvers. If the all constraints are <=, the single phase technique is applied while Two Phased technique is automatically used for others; = and >=

Simplexety is used to get the most out of Formula Parsing and Scientific Calculation. With it, you can evaluate mathematical formulas, draw graphs and program with very simple VBScript. Simplexety is a sophisticated calculation application. It supports direct access to the Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting engine. The program supports symbolic derivation and a host of other numerical functions. Simplexety is object orientated programmed in VC++.

SimplexNumerica is an object-oriented numerical data analyzer, plot and presentation program. SimplexNumerica is proving to be extremely popular among scientists. Ergonomic programming using the newest Windows programming guidelines with toolbars, context dialogs and interactive diagrams providing easy handling with difficult numeric mathematics. SimplexNumerica is best suited for publication type graphics, analysis of arbitrary data.

Small Stella
The ideal polyhedron program for schools or anyone interested in geometry, with hundreds of polyhedra provided. Print out the nets required to build your own paper models, even with your own photos on the faces. Includes Platonics, Archimedeans, Kepler-Poinsot, Johnson solids, compounds, geodesics, etc. Duals are also available. Morph between any model and its dual using various techniques. See it in true 3D if you have red-blue glasses.

Solid Geometry
Solid Geometry is a tool for fast and accurate calculation of volume, area and mass for various geometric bodies. 1) cylindrical tank, spherical segment, spherical sector, spherical frustum 2) pyramid, prism, truncated cone, truncated pyramid 3) cube, block, sphere, cone, cylinder. There is an illustrative draft and formulae for manual calculation present at each geometric body.

StatCalc Mac
This user-friendly analytical tool simplifies common statistical calculations with 31 procedures. Use StatCalc to easily create and compare summary statistics, develop confidence intervals, and verify hand calculations. Enter data to create descriptive, correlation, and regression statistics. A Decision Tools module is included to explore price elasticity of demand, queuing theory, constant dollars, and decision tables. Mac and Windows.

StatCalc Win
This user-friendly analytical tool simplifies common statistical calculations with 31 procedures. Use StatCalc to easily create and compare summary statistics, develop confidence intervals, and verify hand calculations. Enter data to create descriptive, correlation, and regression statistics. A Decision Tools module is included to explore price elasticity of demand, queuing theory, constant dollars, and decision tables. Mac and Windows.

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